Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Eco-Friendliness Around the Home

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Utilising and teaching you’re kids about the amazing benefits of solar power is one of the first steps in making them aware about living an environmentally friendly lifestyle. It’s remarkably easy to do, and it’s an obligation on every human (big and small) to make an effort in reducing their carbon footprint. Teaching your kids about living a greener and cleaner lifestyle will contribute to the longevity of our world. Exposing children from a young age to the environmental issues faced by the humans of this age is a great way to get them used to sustainable practices, something they will carry with them as they become more ecologically aware and responsible adults. Though the importance of solar energy as clean energy source and the processes it uses for functioning may seem quite complex for younger children to comprehend, there are steps that can be taken in order to start teaching them the basics.


Solar Energy Exposure Tips

1. If you as a parent live a green lifestyle, your kids will automatically be exposed to it. If your household’s energy supply depends on solar power, the more exposure your kids will receive regarding the workings of such a power system. They will understand the benefits of using solar power as they depend on it daily.

2. Many toy companies have developed a range of toys that kids as young as 3 to begin learning about, utilizing and harnessing solar energy themselves. Such toys include experimental kits, books and online games.

3. As they grow older, build small devices with them that can harness the power of the sun in providing energy. For further information about installing a solar energy system in your home, contact Australian Solar Quotes for more information. Encouraging eco-friendly habits in your children may also include the following:

The Three R’s

Reduce, reuse and recycle! These three actions aid in eliminating waste as well as in protecting the environment. Teach your children about reducing waste through utilizing eco-friendly bags when shopping; you can always get one in their favourite colours. Donate their toys instead of throwing it away or even swap with a friend for a week or two.  Let them learn the importance of recycling by building or buying containers to serve the recycling needs within your home. Let them decorate and label the bin with images of the items that must be thrown in each container.

Don’t Waste Water

One of the simplest lessons to teach you kids is to turn off the tap while brushing their teeth. This action alone will save close to 700 litres of water a month. Allow them to wash their bikes and toys with a sponge and bucket instead of a water hose and teach them it’s better to take a short shower rather than filling a bath to wash in.

Switch off Appliances

Switching off devices not only has a positive impact on your pocket it also has major benefits on the environment as a whole, such as, fewer fossil fuel emissions, less pollution and greenhouse gasses amongst others. Turn off appliances when not in use and get your kids to do the same. They must understand the importance of switching off a light when leaving a room or turning the TV off when they’re not watching. Older kids must learn to unplug devices that they are not using such as computers or stereos, as these still draw energy and make up 5% (phantom power) of the electricity within the home.

Plant a Tree

Planting tree or keeping a small herb or vegetable garden teaches children the importance about the cycle of nature, responsibility and making sure they appreciate and respect the environment. Purchasing a small and colourful gardening set will get the kids excited to partake in this activity. Remember that our kids are watching us all the time, even when we are not aware that they are, as such it’s imperative to set a good example when it comes to being environmentally conscious with our actions. They look up to us for advice and for moral grounding, so try and be conscious of that fact when teaching them about living a sustainable lifestyle filled with gratitude for the world we are living in today.

What is your favourite eco-friendly tip you are teaching your children?

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