Thyme Tea – An Effective Treatment For Coughs!

I love my little pots of herbs growing in the garden. Using fresh herbs in cooking tastes so much yummy than the dried version. Thyme is a popular herb to use in chicken dishes, but these little leaves are VERY helpful when trying to calm an annoying cough.


What ever is causing your cough whether it be a simple cold or flu, or to the other extreme with whooping cough, bronchitis or pneumonia, this simple tea is extremely soothing and effective.

Most over the counter cough medications are quite ineffective, and in Australia they have been banned for use with children. With natural anti-bacterial properties, Thyme tea is also beneficial for indigestion, sore throats and gingivitis.

Thyme tea is easy to make…..

Place 1 tablespoon fresh Thyme leaves in a teapot or tea strainer. Add a mug full of boiling water. Allow to steep for at least 5 minutes, but not more than 10.

Thyme is quite a pungent herb, and the addition of a little honey and squeeze of lemon will add more healthy benefits whilst making a flavoursome drink.

Thyme tea can also be used as a gargle if preferred, but sipping the tea will provide the most health benefits.

Have you ever tried Thyme tea?

What is your favourite herbal tea?

Sharing for #FYBF at With Some Grace 🙂

5 thoughts on “Thyme Tea – An Effective Treatment For Coughs!

  1. I definitely agree that fresh herbs taste so much better in cooking than dried ones! My partner has a garden full of herbs and veggies and know so much about their uses … I’m still learning 🙂 I’m always fascinated to find out about the benefits and properties of different herbs. Thanks so much for sharing this post about thyme. I don’t actually think I’ve ever tried thyme tea. I love so many different types of tea. I think my favourites are chamomile and liquorice (separately, not together!).

  2. Agreed Nikki, fresh herbs are the best. I love they way they look in the garden and release their perfumes when the kids brush up against them or the ball lands in the middle of them. So handy when cooking to have the fresh stuff right there in the back yard.

  3. That is interesting, I have never heard of that before, I might give it a go as I have a very tickly cough at the moment that I can’t get rid of and can’t take anything for as I am pregnant.
    Thanks for the tip.

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