Thanks For My Addiction To……Reading!

If my laptop is not on my lap, I have a book or magazine in my hands!

For as long as I can remember I have been addicted to reading, even as I child I always had a passion for reading and can not tell you how many times I read ‘The Faraway Tree’ by Enid Blighton. The amazing fantasy world she created just did it for me.

If I could I would subscribe to just about every magazine that makes it’s way on the the shelves. I love the thick glossy paper, alluring photo’s, snipits of information, glorious recipies, amazing clothes, devine hand-bags, or beautiful rooms. When I have a few minutes to spare I just open a magazine.

BUT like all addictions, they come at a cost! Books and magazines are expensive little monsters to buy if you enjoy them at the rate I do. Thankfully, only 5 minutes from home is my saving grace……the local library!

When ever I enter the doors, I leave with just as many books and magazines as I return.

I very rarely read novels, I have a never ending desire to learn, so I am more the self-help guide, recipe, craft kinda gal….I loved the ‘Harry Potter’ series and the ‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ collection, but that about as far as my novel reading has progressed over the last few years.


Yesterday’s visit to the library saw me bring home a haul not to dissimilar from this pile.

I got 12 magazines, of which 5 of them are March ’13 editions, and some a few older. It does help if you know what days your favourite magazines are released, as I often visit the library the following day, so the brand new ones are there for you to read (but you are not allowed to borrow) and the previous months hit the shelves for borrowing. Sometimes I get it just right!

If I hear about a book that someone else has suggested as an excellent read, I go straight to the library website and see if it is available, if not I put a hold on it, and they send me an email to let me know it is ready for collection for the pricely sum of 60 cents, absolute bargain.

When I borrow a book that I fall in love with and MUST own, I head straight to Ebay and I can almost always score a copy at much less that normal retail, and about a week later I am the proud owner of that book, yay!

When the girls were younger, the library was a god-send, we would borrow so many wonderful books for them to consume and as their tastes changed and matured, we had access to them, without having a huge collection that no-one was ever going to read again in our house.

I just love the library and feel it is one of the best services the council offer, don’t know what I would do without it!

Do you use a local library to provide an infinite source of reading pleasure, and what is the best thing you have read of late that I can add to my list?

Sharing today for Thankful Thursday at Six By The Bay

3 thoughts on “Thanks For My Addiction To……Reading!

    1. Thanks Carly, it’s the library for me, as my friends are not really into the sort of things I love to read. 🙂

  1. I LOVE the library!!!! Im always there with the boys. I love the smell of all the books and the variety they can choose from. It never gets old! Thanks so much for linking up xx

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