The traditional pen pal may be a thing of the past, but thanks to the internet connecting with people all over the world is easy and fun. Blogging is all about connecting and I now have a new ‘pen pal’ thanks to International Blog Swap Day. It is with great pleasure that today I am sharing my space with Clare from Emmy’s Mummy.
Christening day family photo
Waving Hello from cold wet England….
Thank you so much to Nikki for having me over on her wonderful blog. I’m Clare and I’m a 30 something year old SAHM to 2 children from Essex in England.
My Blog Emmy’s Mummy was born almost 3 years ago when my daughter was around 18 months old. Created from the lack of adult company and conversation, I had always been busy and active however my job as a Nanny ended and I found myself at home 24/7 with a baby and 4 walls!
I was a fully qualified Nanny for 13 years previous to having my own children, I loved my job and had the ability to do a great job with the families I had worked for for many years, then bam when Emmy finally came (after 3 heart breaking miscarriages) my life was turned upside down and this baby wasn’t going back and I couldn’t walk away at 6pm.
Not that I would change anything for the world however having the blog is an escape from those 4 walls sometimes.
After Nannying I started a Nanny/Babysitting agency with my former boss, it was very hard work and very competitive, possibly not the best time to open a new business with a new baby in tow and after a year I called it a day, I wasn’t sad about this and was glad I had tried.
My blog is about sharing all aspects of our life from arts and crafts with the kids, cooking, gardening to our days out and product reviews.
My favourite part of my blog is sharing our fun times and the best posts, how to guides and our crafts can all be found over on the Entertaining Emmy page, it features the kids a lot, as they are my world.
Beyond precious
Emmy’s Mummy had to change to ‘Emmy’s Mummy and Harry’s too’ when Harry was born after a further 2 miscarriages. Born kicking and screaming as his sister did via a c-section he has continued to bring choas to our calm household.
There is 2 years and 9 months between my children, and believe it or now they get on so well (most of the time). Emmy is now 4 and Harry 18 months – life is fun with these two whirlwinds, they are loud, on the go 24/7 but I wouldn’t change them for the world.
Blogging for me has opened so many doors, once a shy person it has helped me to find my confidence, brought so many opportunities to me and my family and is now a way of life as well as a way of bringing in an income to allow me to stay at home with the children while they are small and still need me around.
This shy mummy has since blogging; attended conferences with hundreds of other likeminded bloggers, something I would never have imagined, abseiled her local church to raise money for Cancer research after my mother-in-law was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and am currently fundraising for the Lullaby Trust by skydiving in August.
Please come on over and say hello, I’m friendly – I promise. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
Thank you Nikki for having me over on your lovely blog today. It’s been a pleasure sharing a little bit about us from cold and wet which is typically known as England.
I am so looking forward to sharing your journey! xx N
Do you have a pen pal?
I used to have about a zillion penpals back when my kids were little – I’m still in touch (via Facebook) with one in the UK and also the USA :-). Lovely to meet you Clare!
I used to Nanny before children, and I can totally relate to the line that I couldn’t walk out at 6pm. I even wrote a letter in my head to the horrible mother that refused to come pick up her child from me! But as you say, I wouldn’t change a thing.