Let The Celebrations Begin!

Today marked the start of a milestone birthday celebration, Miss WW is turning 18!

Many discussions were held about how we were going to celebrate this very special birthday. Slight problem when your birthday is at the start of the year and your friends will not be turning 18 until later in the year. A party with cocktails and canapes was not a feasible option.


I was not prepared to have a group of under aged kids getting smashed in my home. Apart from being totally irresponsible and illegal, I just don’t have the patience to deal with a bunch of young drunks! Miss WW has enjoyed many a sip of my drink, not a problem, but a group of them having way more than a sip was not happening on my watch!

So what to do?

What is the next best thing to consume when alcohol is not involved…….chocolate!

Max Brenner at Southbank to the rescue, the perfect place to have the ultimate chocolate fix. Everything is made of chocolate and tastes absolutely devine.


Just for the record, banana bread dipped in chocolate is simply amazing!

Out of necessity, we organised a 3 oclock start, which turned out to be perfect. We were able to get a large table in airconditioned comfort and order quickly. It is not unusual for the line up to be out the door! Yes it really is that popular. What an amazing business model. Any other type of business, and people would see the queue and walk out the door, but oh no, our love for chocolate deliciousness will see us line up for ages to get a good fix.

The girls had a fabulous time, chatting, laughing, catching up on gossip and eating chocolate. Winning!

I have no mess at home, no stress over what to cook, no drama, perfecto!


I could not help myself, just had to make goodie bags for the last time. I love making goodie bags. A shot glass may or may not have accidently slipped into the bags just to ’18erise’ them. I am sure they will be put to good use later in the year.

Celebrations will contine with a family/friend lunch out on Monday, where Miss WW will be able to enjoy her very first drink in public, legally.

Wonder what she will order?

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