Just For You June – Day 7 – Try A New Tea

JUST FOR YOU JUNE – Creating the habit of having a little ‘me’ time and reaping the rewards!

Taking time for a lovely cup of tea, is great for your health and very relaxing.

If you are a tea drinker, you will have your favourites, but there are so many wonderful teas available now, even from the supermarket, that discovering a new favourite is fun and won’t break the budget.

Even if you don’t drink tea, I have a suggestion for you….read on!

CasbahcsPink1HeroOne of the gorgeous range of tea cup and saucer sets available from T2.

One of the most delightful ways to discover new teas, is to take a trip to a T2 store. Walking into to these darkened tea caves is a sensory joy. Beautiful tea ware, bright colourful boxes of tea’s in so many flavours and samples to try. It is very hard to walk out of a T2 store without making a purchase.

If you are not a tea drinker, a great alternative from T2 is their Toasty Nougat and Turkish Apple fruit tisane’s, combined together to make a sweet and delicious ice ‘tea’ that is a favourite in our house in summer.


One of our favourite supermarket finds is the Dilmah Exceptional Collection, the Berry Sensation and Rose with French Vanilla are flavoured real leaf tea’s that can be drunk hot or also make great iced tea’s in the warmer months.

Herbal tea’s are caffeine free and can be a wonderful boost for your health. Peppermint tea is a powerful tonic for upset tummies, Ginger is great for calming travel sickness, Chamomile will help to calm and aid better sleep, Cranberry is great for urinary tract health and Spearmint is very helpful with respiratory conditions.

Discover a delightful new and then take some time to simply sit and enjoy it!

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