How often does the green-eyed monster rear it’s ugly head in your life?
Jealousy and envy are very powerful emotions. Everytime you allow these feelings to take control, you are giving away your power!
Everyday we are faced with visions of things we would love to be, do or have. Social media, television and magazines will provide lot’s of food to feed the monster within. Daily we are bombarded with images of other’s successes, good looks, gorgeous bodies, exotic holiday destinations or new toys. All sorts of things we would love, but probably don’t have, or we would have no need to feel jealous or envious.
Every time we react with a jealous or envious feeling, we are putting up a big energetic wall that stops the things we desire from coming into our life. We are sending out a loud signal that we DONT have, and in a perfect response to that energy you continue to receive what you DONT want.
If you change how you respond to these triggers, you change what you receive. SIMPLE! In theory yes it is simple, but in practice is is not always so.
Here is a little ‘trick’ that you can try, next time the green eyed moster comes calling….
Respond to the trigger with “OH, YES THAT IS FOR ME – THANK YOU“.
With this response your energy is affirming that you do want that experience or thing in your life and you are saying thank you in advance for receiving it.
Try it and feel the difference!
To really send a powerful positive message, you could always add an affirmation.
“I love my new car“
“I am so excited about our next holiday“
“I can’t believe how good I look now“
Make up your own, just ensure that it is positive and is worded as though you already have it.
You are a powerful manifestor, go forth and receive your good.
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I don’t think the green eyed monster comes out in me much, but when it does, I will remember this. Thankyou
I do it all the time now, I can’t get those things I am ‘jealous’ of if I keep throwing negative energy at them, and there are plenty of things I do want, so this little trick helps so much in how you feel.
I need to say more positive things to myself more often. Thanks for this!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Negative self talk is the most destructive words we can listen to. Spent many years in that ‘land’ and don’t care to ever go there again.
What a great way of looking at things. Thank you for sharing
Love sharing ways of creating a better life, and changing the energy you put into things makes all the difference.
What an interesting post!! Green Eyed Monster has visited us a few times, especially when the children were younger and their friends had all the wizz bang toys and we didn’t but we love our life and wouldn’t change it xx will keep positive thinking about the things we do have
Not the ones we dont.
BPR Visiting xx
That is the best attitude to have! Kids that are given everything when they are young, have no ability to appreciate effort and reward.
Its super sad that jealousy gets in peoples way. I was grateful enough to have my mother tell me a Serbian saying which doesn’t really translate well in English but I’ll give it a go;
“After every good horse, the dust will rise.”
Meaning people will always talk behind your back, it only means you are two steps ahead. Kinda.
Great post babe. xxDani
and another one along those lines…….’who cares what is behind you, it is only wants ahead that counts’
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