How to make money from your craft, without leaving home

I love making beautiful things, but unless I give them away as gifts to family and friends, they tend to stockpile around the house.

When I go near a craft supply store, I am drawn in, like there is a super strength magnet that I just can’t pull away from.

I read magazines and see beautiful things that others have created and I want to do the same. If you let me watch Better Homes and Gardens on tv, I have a paint brush in my hand before you can say ‘jump’. Boxes of different supplies are hiding in all corners of my house and I love discovering things that I forgot I bought years ago and then actually putting them to use.

But, what to do with all these lovely things I have made. Craft markets have sprung up all around, but early morning starts, inclimate weather and often lack of paying customers can make this quite a unfavourable option. The really lovely markets that draw a good crowd who are looking for lovely handmade items usually have a high participation fee and you have to sell a lot of items just to cover your costs.

I am a big fan of Ebay and have used it for years to sell unwanted items around the home, but have not found it to be the best way to sell handmade goodies.

Obviously I have been hiding under a rock for many years, because NO one has ever told me that there is a beautiful online ‘store’ dedicated to helping the wonderful crafts people of the world share their creations with willing buyers from all over the world. I accidently found it mentioned in a craft magazine that I was browsing through, a definate lightbulb moment for me.

Enter my latest addiction for browsing on the internet – ETSY, filled full of fabulous things that have me drooling and sending my creative spirit into absolute overdrive.

It costs nothing to set up your own store. Listing an item is only US20 cents and a final sale fee of only 3.5%, makes selling your craft very cost effective and not only do your local folk have access to your brilliance, but anyone in the world can find it, buy it and love it. You can sell items that you have made, that are more than 20 years old or craft supplies and nothing else.

I have just set up my own store, please go and have a sticky beak at what your store can look like and then hit the ‘sell’ button and set up your own store. It is really easy, really fun and simply a great way to share your gifts.

What are you waiting for, get too it!

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