How To Clean Your Iron Inside And Out With Vinegar And Salt.

Don’t buy a new iron, just give yours an overhaul and get it clean inside and out!

My iron was looking a little errrrrr yukky. Over time a build up of black gunk had been collecting on the plate, until the other day, it started to behave as though glue was covering it and it just stuck to everything.

Now I could have thrown it out and just bought a new one, but I decided to experiment with a few natural beauties Vinegar and Salt, and my iron is working like a brand new one, yahoo!

iron collage

Not bad if I may say so myself!


In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of table salt. Over gentle heat, stir until the salt has almost dissolved. Allow to cool for a few minutes. Place the iron on the bench with an old cloth or some newspaper to catch all the debris. Ensure the iron is turned off, use a sponge, cloth or gentle scourer dipped into the mixture to buff off the build up. Layer by layer it just drops off. Pretty awesome!


Over time lime scale and rust can build up in your iron, causing it to spurt out some dirty looking muck when it is hot. In a measuring cup, combine 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup of water. Pour into your iron and then turn it on to the maximum setting. Let it sit for 2 minutes. Turn on the steam settings of your iron. Place a large old towl on your ironing board and lay the iron down. Press the steam button a few times to flush the vinegar mix through the lines. Turn the iron off and release all of the left over vinegar mix. Fill your iron with cold fresh water. Give it a gentle shake and then release. Repeat.

That is it. Your iron is now clean and ready for use, just like a new one.

Always empty your iron after each use, as if it is left to sit in your iron this promotes lime and rust build up.

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17 thoughts on “How To Clean Your Iron Inside And Out With Vinegar And Salt.

  1. If only I read this before I bought my new iron 🙂 I’ll pass this onto my friends though. It’s a great tip. I don’t suppose you know how to get texta out of clothes do you?? …

  2. Oh me goshness this is PERFECT timing!!! I used to live in a hard water area (bore water) and my poor iron is still feeling the effects of the yucky water (and so is my fabric!), this is very helpful!


    MC xo

  3. Thanks I was ironing a sta k of new hankerchieves…white and several got brown rust like streaks on them from my iron. I kept thinking it was my iron board cover so put a fresh cloth on cleaned iron plate and co tinued. Two handercheives later and I thought I had perfectly solved it and the number three it dumped out brown again onto my white! Argh. Thanks for the info on cleaning inside iron!

  4. I’ve tried most of the methods on the web to clean the inside on an iron. Equal parts vinegar and water and straight vinegar etc. After doing this several times the iron was still spitting out black stuff (probably iron). Thought I was going to have to buy a new one. Then I had a brainstorm – try using a water pik, which many people already have. I let the iron cool after doing the straight vinegar, then I filled the reservoir of the water pik with distilled water, turned it on the strongest setting and placed the pik in each one of the holes on the bottom. I held the iron over the sink and went down one side and then did the other. Couldn’t believe how much more gunk I got out. I did it twice to be sure. I couldn’t find anyone else on the web that’s tried this. Hope it works for you as well as it did for me.

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