Gratitude Is A Game Changer!


I don’t often enter competitions and when I do I usually don’t win, but this time the results were different, I WON!

Thanks to CONNECT TO AUSSIE MUMS  a Facebook post gave people in Brisbane the opportunity to win a ticket to a one day workshop with Toni Powell for her 30 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Getting home from work in the early hours of Friday morning, I was so excited to receive an email to say that I had won!

Anyone who has taken an interest in the Law Of Attraction will know that GRATITUDE is a powerful key in helping you create the life of your dreams, but more often than not, our minds keep us focused on the negative things as we want to find solutions.

Toni is a fabulous presenter, her wicked sense of humor had me giggling, her ‘story’ had me in tears, her obvious extensive research into the topic of gratitude and how the brain works had me mesmerised with the facts and figures she shared, fun little ‘surprises’ were thrown in during the day to demonstrate how our brain works and even the morning tea was great…I would love another piece of that date slice NOW!

To save us from having to write down the wonderful quotes she shared, the books she recommends we read and spending the whole day scribbling, an email is on it’s way with all those details, how awesome is that!

Toni is living proof of how no matter what ‘shit’ life throws at us, we get to choose how we view it, deal with it and focus on it. I know the power of dwelling in the ‘dark’ stuff and how damaging and draining it is. I am moving forward and armed with all I learned yesterday, have new tools in my arsenal to power on!

If you can, this workshop is worth attending, but as distance will stop many of you joining in, Toni now has the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge available for delivery to your inbox no matter where you are, don’t you just love modern technology?

Thank you for such a wonderful day and a reminder that we all have the power to live in GRATITUDE and make the most of every amazing day we are blessed with.

What are you thankful for TODAY?

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