First Day Of School Fun!

It might have been quite a few years ago, but I clearly remember the day both Miss WW’s headed into class for the first time.

I did not know whether to laugh or cry!

Both of my girls marched straight into their classrooms and told me to leave.

Independent little Miss’s they were then and still are today.

I did shed a little tear or ten as I turned away, but deep down I was relieved that I did not have a child chain themselves to my leg begging me not to go.

There is a great little German tradition that can help put a smile on any child’s face on that first day….

First day of school fun cone

Many moons ago, my mum made me a treat cone for my first day of school.

My parents are both German and this is one of the few traditions that has been kept alive here in Australia.

On the first day of school German children are given a cone full of sweets to celebrate the big milestone, and as a reward to look forward too when they get home that afternoon.

German treat cone

… and how fast they grow, Miss WW is heading into her second year at Uni! 🙂

‘Oma’ made treat cones for both of my girls first day at school.

All you need is a large piece of cardboard that you roll into a cone and secure with tape.

Fill the cone with sweet treats, even the healthy variety will do if you don’t want your child to have too much of a sugar rush or even a few cute school supplies like cute erasers and pencils.

Miss WW’s was sealed with crepe paper to hide the treasures, and this way revealing what is inside can be left until that first afternoon home after day 1.

Not all children will march into their classroom, ready to take on the world. For many it is a stressful event for parents and children alike.

Take a tip from the French and get some help from Mandarin pure essential oil. Often referred too as the oil of happiness, it is great for easing stress and elevating spirit.

Put a couple of drops on a folded tissue or makeup removal pad and pin inside your child’s shirt or dress. If you are feeling the stress, pop one into your bra while you are at it. The gentle and sweet aroma can go to work without anyone needing to know.

What first day tips do you have?

Sharing for #FYBF at With Some Grace.

17 thoughts on “First Day Of School Fun!

  1. Nikki what a gorgeous German tradition, I wish we had something like that I could continue with my children, even though all mine are now at school. Have you come across any parents who are too politically correct and say lollies shouldn’t be eaten at school.

    1. Hi Natalie, the cone does not actually go to school, it gets kept at home for safe keeping until the end of their first day! 🙂

  2. What a clever idea, it’s sad to see the little ones that don’t want to let go of their parents. Thankfully all four of my boys were keen to go.

  3. Oh, what a great tradition! My boys are starting school next year and I think this will be a great idea for them. A cone of sweets is just gorgeous!

  4. The fabric of our family is seen our traditions and rituals for celebrations! This blog is absolutely beautiful and reminds us all, that we have the choice to pass these beautiful rituals on and into our own children’s lives and they can too! Just lovely! THANK YOU.

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