Easter Menu Planning, It’s All About Family And Food!

Easter is on our doorstep, even though I feel like it was only a few weeks ago that I packed all the Christmas decorations away!

Next week, we will be making our annual pilgrimage from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast, where my parents live.

I am blessed to have both of my parents still alive and well and enjoying the retired life at beautiful Perigian Springs, in a lovely home that becomes our base for the Easter break. No camping for this little black duck, I was brought up in 5 star resorts around the world (my dad managed some beauties), and camping has just never been part of my life.

Only having one brother, means our Easter gatherings are not huge, just 7 of us, but it is one of the few times each year, where we are all together. Life gets so busy, so we make sure that at these special times of the year, we all make time to spend it together.


Found these gorgeous decorated eggs at Attention 2 Detail, how to’s are on the page.

Easter for us is all about time together and FOOD! I come from a family of cooks, chefs, caterer’s, what ever you want to call us, but in simply language, we rock the kitchen!

My domain is dessert land, I am always the one that creates the sweet treats for these gatherings, and that is where the issues arise, what to make? I need a dessert for Good Friday lunch and a super yummy for Saturday night as friends of mum and dad’s are joining us for dinner.

Some of the things that are on my ‘possible’ list are :-

Almond and Strawberry Flan

Chocolate and Caramel Banoffee Style Flan

Chocolate and Espresso Tart

Key Lime Pie

The recipe books and magazine cutouts are surrounding me as I try to make these decisions!

I am very thankful for the time we get together and I know I am blessed to have a beautiful ‘holiday’ home to visit whenever I like!

Life is good!

NOW, please help me decide which of the above would you pick or what wonderful suggestions do you have?

Sharing today at Six By The Bay

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