Crockery Cupboard Cleanout

I LOVE new things, and I am so excited that my everyday crockery cupboard is now full of lovely new white plates and bowls that all match. I had great fun gathering up the large collection of stray leftover pieces from previous dinner sets that had been piling up in my cupboard, and taking them out to the rubbish bin and listening to them smash and crash as they went to plate heaven.

It is always great to have spare plates for those days when you forget to turn the dishwasher on, so had been keeping them to save the day. As I already had a collection of clean and crisp white plates, keeping with that theme seemed like the logical option when I excitedly discovered that common sense had prevailed and in my collection of junk mail, I saw fabulous dinner sets that only included dinner plates, side plates and bowls. None of those cups and saucers that I never use as I like drinking my tea and coffee out of fine china mugs. Normally these are always included in sets and I never use them. So it took two trips to the shops to get this fantastic find as they were out of stock, lot’s of others must also agree with this great way of restocking the cupboard.

So for only $12.00, I now have a beautiful collection of gleeming white crockery to add to the white I already had. Food really does look better on white than any other colour. I love a bargain!

Feng Shui Tip – The state of your eating utensils is a reflection of your self-worth. Eating off chipped or cracked plates is sending a message that you are not good enough. Throw out all the odd, broken pieces and upgrade now. These wonderful sets from Kmart are affordable for anyone, and improve your home energy, You Are Worth It! Visit and see for yourself.

Have Fun!

3 thoughts on “Crockery Cupboard Cleanout

  1. I found your website through a random stroke of luck. It helped me do my research on this topic. I have spent lots of time looking through your site. You have something good going here, keep it up!

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