Create a ‘Happy Helper’ Book!

Create a ‘Happy Helper’ book for a much happier 2015!

Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could be HAPPY all day every day. Yep!

Unfortunately we all have shitty moments, hours, and days.

Every moment we spend angry or upset is another moment we are attracting more of those moments in to our lives.

The quicker we can get past the shitty bits, the quicker we raise our vibration and attract more good stuff.

A ‘Happy Helper’ book is a little resource tool that you can grab in any moment to change your focus or record inspiration and ideas.

Create a 'Happy Helper' book

 Creating a ‘Happy Helper’ book is easy!

All you need is a small, sturdy hard covered notebook and a pen. The beauty of a notebook is you can use it and add to it without the need for WI-FI and it does not run out of battery power.

You can add some cute stickers, little pictures or inspiration words if you like to get creative.

When someone suggest a good book, movie, restaurant, website or whatever you want to pursue at a later date, just jot it down.

What you put in your ‘Happy Helper’ book is completely up to you. Just keep it positive!

Here are some ideas to get you started:-

* A list of things you are truly GRATEFUL for.

* Pictures of people you LOVE.

* A list of PLACES you would love to visit.

* BOOKS you want to read.

* SONGS you want to add to your play list.

* Brilliant IDEAS that you don’t want to forget.

* TREATS you would love to indulge in.

* Important PHONE NUMBERS for those days you leave your phone at home. 🙂

* SHOPS you want to visit.

* Family DAYS OUT ideas.

* MOVIES others recommend.


The list is endless, anything that makes you happy or inspires you to take action to make yourself feel better is a worthy entry. Just make each entry brief by using a keyword or two, or your book will be full before you know it.

Don’t keep all your great finds to yourself, inspire others to pick up a great book or try something new, take a happy snap and share with the hashtag #happyhelperbook … just might help someone find something they need!

What makes you happy?

What will you put in your book?

Sharing the love for #FYBF at With Some Grace

11 thoughts on “Create a ‘Happy Helper’ Book!

  1. What a great idea! I have a notebook in my bag that I jot down meal plans and then the corresponding shopping lists, ideas for blog posts and new recipes that I find and want to remember for later.

    1. I find if I don’t write things down, when I want to revisit that bright idea I had, I simply can’t remember, and of course I always remember the shopping list items as I walk out of the supermarket! 🙂

  2. I’ve started a gratitude journal. It’s still basically a diary but solely for the purpose to record the boys’ lives. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick to writing in it everyday! Love the idea of a Happy Helper book x

    1. What a lovely keepsake that will be Grace, hope you make notes in it every day, even if they are being little terrors. 🙂

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