I love to talk! Usually I have a lot to say to anyone that will listen, very rarely being stuck for words. I am one of those types that will talk to people when standing in a queue or hanging around waiting for my coffee to be made. Being married for 23 years, I was used to having someone to talk to everyday, but then the talking became arguing everyday, and before I new it, my marriage was over, my husband gone and I was talking to myself.
Very blessed to have a supportive family and friends to help me get through this very tough time, and two gorgeous daughters that were my rocks, I felt lost without the connection of having someone there every day to share the happenings of the world with.
I also love to learn. Very rarely will you see me chilling with a novel in hand. When I do read, which is often, I prefer to read something that will teach me a new skill, show me how to do something better, or provide another tool that will help me change, grow and move forward. I am a self help junkie, and love the warm feeling I get when I read something empowering that reminds me of how awesome we all are.
So, while living in the dooms and glooms of single motherhood (well, that’s how it felt for the first few months as mega adjustments took place), I wanted something positive I could focus on and Wonderfully Women was born from that. Why not share some of the wonderful things I have learned and hopefully make someone else’s day better. It was also a way I could ‘talk’ and communicate with the world, even when I was feeling down and an actual real life conversation was not appealing.
My first book Kids R Klever – How To Help Your Kids Shine was born from my desire to see my children live the best lives they possibly can, without limitations that we can place on them, to not make some of the silly mistakes that I have made, to have great health, good social skills, be well adjusted and to simply shine! Why should my girls be the only ones to benefit, why not share all this information with other parents, who no doubt want the same for their children?
Three more books are all under construction at WWHQ at the moment, and a list of additional titles are awaiting for research, love and creation in the years to come.
Writing has brought me much joy and satisfaction…….something I would never have dreamt I would even attempt a couple of years ago!
Great post – thank you
Many thanks Merlene, glad you enjoyed it, I have some great reading to do today with all these great posts, it is so interesting discovering how others got into writing.
This was a lovely post to read. Question: what is the best self-help book you’ve ever read?
Thanks Sahm, and the most helpful self-help book I have ever read is Count Your Blessings, by Dr John Demartini. Many valuable lessons in that one that were so approprite to me.
Posted on incredible, that was a very good read. In cocsnulion, someone who actually thinks and understands what they are blogging about. Quite difficult to find of late, especially on the web . I bookmarked your web blog and will make sure to keep coming back here if this is how you always write. thank you, keep it up! .
I love that space of “loving to learn” and I also write about that a lot.
I’m really looking forward to following your journey in the next 28 days
Lisa x
Thanks Lisa, will do the same!
Posted on I’d must test with you here, which isn’t something I uslauly do! I get pleasure from reading a post that will make folks think. Thanks for permitting me to remark!
I love that you arrived at your own solution, Nikki!! Your readers are fortunate to have you.
Thanks Laura, we all have the answers, we just don’t always listen, so much easier to live in blame and anger.
Love that writing became your drug of choice….we all get to benefit that way! Thanks for sharing your wisdom :))
Thanks Veronica, I am proud that I did not end up on anti-depressents, as tempting as they were at the time!
Leaving you some blog love. There are many of us out there that are in the same brand of shoes you are. Maybe not the same size or with the same amount of wear, but we bought the same brand and that, in a way, makes us all sisters. We write for different reasons but if we don’t support each other, we could get lost in the stampede. Looking forward to hearing more!
So true!