JUST FOR YOU JUNE – Creating the habit of having a little ‘me’ time and reaping the rewards!
Affirmations have the power to change your sub-conscious beliefs! That little voice in your head that keeps telling you that you are not good enough, or that you can’t do it, or that you don’t deserve it, can be all that is stopping you from acheiving what ever goal you set yourself.
When you let the ‘story’ rule your life, you keep attracting more of the same, negative events and circumstances. Sad or bad memories have the annoying power to come forward and remind you that things did not work out in the past, so don’t bother trying again.
This is my favourite affirmation, that I call on regularly when I am feeling sad, angry, or frustrated because things are not working out as I would like them too. It does not matter what happened in the past or how many mistakes you have made, these powerful words work with you in the here and now, and allow you to accept that you are good enough right in this moment.
Daily use of this affirmation, helps you move in to receiving your better good, exactly as you are NOW!